Which is Best Light For Your Vehicle? Halogen or Led Lights?

best halogen lights for car

Many people are confused whether they should update their vehicle lights from halogen to Led OR not.

Both halogen and led lights have some advantage and some disadvantages as well.

First lets understand the basic structure of these lights which will also help in deciding which lights are best for your vehicle…

The basic structure of halogen lights include halogen gas inside of the bulb, also there is use of filament. It is an Incandescent light. Whenever the current is passed through the tungsten then filament gets lighten up and produces light yellow colour throw.

The basic structure of LED lights is the use of semi-conductor diode. When the current is supplied, these semi-conductor diode emits photons which finally produces white light or you can say light blue light.

Now lets understand the major differences, advantages and disadvantages of both of these lights.

1) LED Lights (Light Emitting Diode)

●Led light are more brighter, shinny and sharp. Throw of these light is also more

●Other drivers on the road are usually disturbed buy these lights which may cause major accident and injuries to the driver as there visibility becomes zero.

●The lifespan of Led lights is more as compared to Halogen lights. The average lifespan of led lights is about 20,000-50,000 hours.

●The price of Led lights is more than normal halogen lights and installation is also not an easy task which may take time.

●Led lights will not get dim/dull easily and not fade. The light and throw will be same throughout its life span in most of the cases.

●The power consumption of Led lights is less then halogen lights. It consumes 7-20 watts of power per hour

●In case of snowfall, rainy and fog whether led lights does not perform well as these led lights is of reflective nature, they reflect and don’t throw the light on the roads.

●Led lights also improves overall looks of the vehicle


●On the other hand halogen is a much softer light so you can easily see the nearby objects clearly but for far distances you have to face difficulty as it will not be clearly visible.

●The average lifespan of halogen lights are around 1200-2000 hours

●Halogen lights are cheaper in price then Led lights and its installation is also easy and fast.

●Halogen lights get dim/dull over the time the throw of lights gradually gets decreased

●The power consumption of halogen lights is more then led lights. It consumes 35-500 watts of power per hour.

●In case of snowfall, rainy and fog whether halogen lights performs well as these don’t reflect and throws the light directly on the roads.

●In halogen lights, the looks of the vehicle is hampered as it looks outdated and very simple.

●Nowadays even car manufacturers are giving LED lights setup in their vehicles

●Main thing is to choose better brand, price and specification as per your need

Now decide yourself what suits you and what not as for some people halogen is best and for some LED works the best.

Also get your work done from a reputed place, experienced workers and install the lights in your vehicle without any wire cutting or any other damage. Otherwise the warranty of the vehicle can be harmed also while taking insurance claims the insurance companies can reject the claim or damage of the vehicle.

Ask for written warranty of the lights for minimum 1-Year at least.

You can also purchase these type of lights from car company dealers or service center like MARUTI SUZUKI, Hyundai, TATA or any other car brand.

Some best and famous brand for LED lights are:-


2) Crystal Eye

3) Philips



Other then LED some people also prefer HID(High Intensity Discharge Lights) or projector headlamps and nowadays auxiliary lights are also in trend.

You also have option of installing both Halogen and LED lights in one light only, by pressing one button all your lights will become halogen and by pressing another button all your lights will become LED. You can enjoy benefit of both the light in one light setup only but this setup may be costly.

So not every light is made for your purpose first define your purpose then purchase the lights for your vehicle

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